Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Web Hosting

Okay, I have activated my web hosting. I have a Domain, I think that is what it is??? This is new to me, but it has been fairly easy going, just new, and fun exploring.

Got web hosting with
Used their wiki a bunch to set up SSH and PHP. (really easy)
Used PuttySSH to ??? get onto the hosting directory that I have and do the Chapter 1 stuff on PHP (scripting language to do things on the web site) and the basic tour of command line stuff on the web server. (I am not even sure what to call it;-)

Used the command line text editor nano to write a small php script to put text up when you got to my site ( Not a lot there right now. Just a test message so I could verify that I was in the correct directory with the index.php file.

That all for now.

1 comment:

Rich said...


just recently bought the book "Making Things Talk..." and I am already stuck on chapter 1 :-(

In PuTTy_SSH, are you meant to type your own hosting website (pg 27 Windows system)? Book says type in "" which I did but I didn't get asked to put in a password and in fact the connection failed shortly after clicking Open.

I am sure I'm being a dufus, can you help?