Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Arduino + Altoids Tin

Small easy, and awfully unorigional. But, useful and free. Now I can bring my arduino with me in my laptop bag and goof around with it at lunch time at work or wherever. I am thinking I would put a breadboard in another tin of some sort and put a battery pack inside to run any projects I might feel inclined to proto.

I wonder how many altoids have sold just for the tin.

Your basic Altoids tin.

Crudely drill holes to accept 4-40 screws. Line with electrical tape, I liked blue.

Drill holes to allow the use of a sheetmetal nibbler (I got mine at radio shack) The cover interferes a little with the connections but they still connect, and I think I will usually use the arduino with the cover open.

Arduino screwed in with 2 4-40 screws and hex nuts.


KC said...

Say this on the MAKE magazine blog. Is there enough room on the lid to fit a breadboard and components and still close the lid? If so that'd make a pretty cool little fold and go proto box. I may have to try that for my home projects.

Will Higgins said...

That's really really cool! I dig it, I don't eat altoids, but I suppose I'll be polite and offer them to mates with smelly breath in order to try this myself!

Unknown said...

Heh, I know I've bought Altoids many times just for the tin. I may have to pick up another just for this, a project box costs much more.

Curious though, is it tall enough to fit an arduino+shield? Mine always the proto shield on top.

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